#1 Adult Coed Open + A (May 18 Sunday)


2400 Alki Avenue SW, Alki Beach, West Seattle

Adult Co-ed, Adult Events

No day of registration.

Register early. Limited space available.

Registration closes Friday before, late fee after that..



2s Co-ed Divisions
• Open/AA – Advanced
• A – Intermediate
• BB – Novice


Morning check-in
Check-in is 8:00am-8:30am at Alki Beach, Seattle, WA on the scheduled day of the tournament.
Pool play starts at 9:00am. Please check in on time.
We play rain or shine! Because of limited court space, we must start on time, no exceptions.


Format Adult Co-ed

AVA Adult Co-ed – Pool play followed by single elimination or double elimination with match play, depending on the amount of teams and time available. Bracket play format will be decided on the day, with the goal to get the max amount of games possible in time available.